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This document refers to the Birdsnap app available on the Apple App Store. Here's what I can tell you based on the information provided:
- Bird Identification: Birdsnap is an app designed to help identify birds using photos.
- Platform: It's available for download on iOS devices through the Apple App Store.
However, there seems to be a newer version of Birdsnap available. According to some sources, the free Merlin App from Cornell/eBird is considered the current gold standard for bird photo and sound ID.
Here are some additional details you might find helpful:
- Reviews: Checking user reviews on the App Store can provide valuable insights into the app's actual functionalities and how well it performs at identifying birds.
- App Description: While I cannot directly access the app description, it might include details like features, supported functionalities, and pricing (if any).
- Alternative Apps: There might be other bird identification apps available on the App Store. You can explore them to find one that best suits your needs.
Would you like me to help you find user reviews for Birdsnap or explore other bird identification apps?
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